Paternity Lawyer In Costa Mesa & Orange County, CA

Here’s How It Works
  1. Call this number 24/7: (949) 629-4111 (Tap To Call On Mobile)
  2. One of our paternity attorneys will take your call and invite you into a one-on-one, secure video chat for your free consultation. (You also have the option of just speaking via telephone if you wish.)
  3. Our paternity lawyer will answer your questions and carefully assess and evaluate the details of your case.
  4. Our attorney will then determine the best fit for you and your case with one of our professionally vetted, specialized family law attorneys nearest you. They will then will work with you to get your case started.
  5. This is a free consultation. There’s no charge and no obligation.

“Absolutely Fantastic”

"The services rendered were absolutely fantastic. I'd recommend this Firm to anyone."

Daryl F.


Daryl F.

"The services rendered were absolutely fantastic. I'd recommend this Firm to anyone."

“Very Professional Team”

"Very professional team. Fairly active on response times. Handled my situation amidst a global pandemic with the best foreseeable outcome."

John S.


John S.

"Very professional team. Fairly active on response times. Handled my situation amidst a global pandemic with the best foreseeable outcome."

Children who are born to married parents are legally presumed to be those of the Father in the relationship. However, as more and more parents are unmarried, no such assumption is made. That means that the Mother is presumed to have sole custody until paternity is established. So, even though you’re the biological father, you don’t have the right to custody or even residential time with your child until you prove paternity.

Don’t panic though, there are several ways to establish paternity. Both parents can sign and notarize an affidavit, and put the Father’s name on the birth certificate, or a parent can petition the court to establish paternity. Genetic testing is typically necessary when petitioning the court.

Regardless of which path you take, our lawyers believe that Fathers should absolutely be an active part of a child’s life. Don’t wait, let us help you establish a strong relationship with your child today.

Paternity Test and Suit Vancouver Washington

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