Divorce Lawyer In Costa Mesa & Orange County, CA

Here’s How It Works
  1. Call this number 24/7: (949) 629-4111 (Tap To Call On Mobile)
  2. One of our attorneys will take your call and invite you into a one-on-one, secure video chat for your free consultation. (You also have the option of just speaking via telephone if you wish.)
  3. Our lawyer will answer your questions and carefully assess and evaluate the details of your potential divorce case.
  4. Our attorney will then determine the best fit for you and your case with one of our professionally vetted, specialized divorce lawyers nearest you. They will then work with you to get your case started.
  5. This is a free consultation. There’s no charge or obligation.

“I Definitely Recommend Them”

"This firm was able to come to my assistance when other firms were not able to perform. I would definitely recommend them to anybody."

Doug W.


Doug W.

"This firm was able to come to my assistance when other firms were not able to perform. I would definitely recommend them to anybody."

“Highly Recommend”

"Helped me with a very unique and challenging case. Always there if I had questions and got back to me right away. Highly recommend."

Joe B.


Joe B.

"Helped me with a very unique and challenging case. Always there if I had questions and got back to me right away. Highly recommend."

Divorce – Sometimes The Only Choice

Divorce is a part of our culture. It’s a part none of us want to experience, but sometimes it’s our only choice. Sometimes it’s not even our choice but our partner’s choice. It’s an emotional time of upheaval, change, endings, and yes, even new beginnings. The legal team at ATTORNEYS2U understands what you’re going through and what you need to build a brighter future for yourself and your family.

Let’s Talk About The Basics

In Orange County, one spouse must begin the process by either filing to separate or divorce. If both of you agree on everything and there’s no conflict about property, children, or anything, the earliest the divorce can be finalized in is 90 days from the date of filing.

Often though, finalizing a divorce means separating assets, selling property, creating a parenting plan, and so on. Of course, most divorces take longer than 90 days, and many can take much longer. Then, if everything can’t be worked out, there’s a trial, where a judge will make the final decision for you.

Family Law Is A Complicated Part Of Our Justice System

Our job is to make sure you get a fair resolution that protects you, your property, and your children, with the least amount of damage possible. Fighting for the sake of fighting is never a good thing. In this trying time, you need to be able to count on your attorney to bring the fight when necessary and to negotiate for you when it’s not.

Orange County divorce attorneys at ATTORNEYS2U have handled thousands of family law cases. We pride ourselves on several things: our lawyers’ knowledge and experience of family law that sets us apart and allows us to come up with innovative solutions to achieve our client’s goals, our ability to get opposing parties to become less positional and damaging, and our successes at helping our clients make wise and rational decisions during one of the most traumatic and emotional times of their life.

Contact us right now and we’ll work together to review your case and your options.

Let's Explore Your Options.

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