Collaborative Law Attorney In Costa Mesa & Orange County, CA

Here’s How It Works
  1. Call this number 24/7: (949) 629-4111 (Tap To Call On Mobile)
  2. One of our collaborative law attorneys will take your call and invite you into a one-on-one, secure video chat for your free consultation. (You also have the option of just speaking via telephone if you wish.)
  3. Our collaborative law lawyer will answer your questions and carefully assess and evaluate the details of your case.
  4. Our attorney will then determine the best fit for you and your case with one of our professionally vetted, specialized family law attorneys nearest you. They will then will work with you to get your case started.
  5. This is a free consultation. There’s no charge and no obligation.

“Excellent Communication”

"I received excellent communication and customer service; all phone calls were returned in a timely manner and my team communicated the whole way through; answered ever question and left me with a clear understanding every time we spoke."

Alexander P.


Alexander P.

"I received excellent communication and customer service; all phone calls were returned in a timely manner and my team communicated the whole way through; answered ever question and left me with a clear understanding every time we spoke."

“I Definitely Recommend Them”

"This firm was able to come to my assistance when other firms were not able to perform. I would definitely recommend them to anybody."

Doug W.


Doug W.

"This firm was able to come to my assistance when other firms were not able to perform. I would definitely recommend them to anybody."

In a court system that’s adversarial and prone to creating conflict, Collaborative Law is a breath of fresh air, helping couples go their separate ways better equipped, with less damage and an earlier start to healing from the pain of divorce. Early studies show that children whose parents chose a collaborative divorce had less trauma, less externalizing negative behavior, and better relationships with both parents.

So, What Is Collaborative Law?

In a “normal” divorce, spouses choose an attorney, and they battle things out in court. In Collaborative Law, spouses each choose their “collaborative” attorney, and they all work together to create the best solution for everyone. Sometimes other team members are brought in, such as financial planners or CPAs, therapists, parenting evaluators, realtors, etc.

All information is shared with everyone, and parties meet multiple times to work everything out. If the couple abandons the process and decides to litigate, both attorneys are barred from representing you.

We highly recommend this solution when children are involved. So call us today, and let’s discuss whether this is a good solution for you!

Collaborative Law Divorce Vancouver WA

Let's Explore Your Options.

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